
New York Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Lawyers: Lawsuits Being Filed

Guy D'Andrea, Esq. - NJ Abuse Guardian

Hi - I'm Guy. I am an attorney that practices in PA, and NY. I am a former sex crimes prosecutor and my day-to-day cases are almost exclusively helping survivors of sexual abuse get justice. My team and I are ready to help.

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Catholic Church Sex Abuse Lawsuits in New York

Were you or a loved one sexually abused by a Catholic priest, deacon, bishop or volunteer in New York? Our experienced civil attorneys are here to help. Eligible survivors may be able to pursue a private civil lawsuit against the responsible parties.

  • 40+ years of combined trial experience
  • You owe us nothing until we secure compensation
  • Learn more in a free, confidential consultation

You have powerful legal rights. Interested in learning more about your legal options? Contact our dedicated attorneys today for a free, confidential consultation. Learn more from our team of lawyers:

"Our alliance has over 15 sexual abuse lawyers nationwide dedicated to helping survivors get justice" 
- Guy D'Andrea, Esq.

On the heels of a damning grand jury report in Pennsylvania, the Catholic Church is facing a renewed sexual abuse crisis. Survivors of historical abuse have stepped forward across the country, raising fresh allegations against thousands of Catholic priests, deacons, bishops, employees and volunteers. This is truly a national moment of reckoning for the Church.

Related Reading: Clergy Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit TV Commercials & Radio Ads Sweep The Nation

Child Sexual Abuse In New York's Catholic Church

In their pursuit of justice, hundreds of these survivors have turned to the civil justice system, where lawsuits can be filed against individual priests and entire Catholic dioceses. Were you or a loved one sexually abused by a Catholic priest, deacon or volunteer in New York? It's time to stand up and demand justice. As a survivor of sexual violence, New York State grants you a powerful set of rights, both inside and outside of the criminal justice system.

If you or a loved one were sexually abused by a Catholic priest in New York, our dedicated NY sexual abuse lawyers are here to help. We believe you, and we understand the deep and painful emotions that sexual abuse can cause. Shame, fear, anger, depression - these are natural reactions to terrible trauma. Know that you did nothing wrong.

What happened to you was not your fault. Someone you trusted violated you in the most horrible way imaginable. But it doesn't have to define your life. Recovery is possible, as is finding a sense of closure in this complicated world. You can fight back. Thanks to New York's strong tradition of civil common law, survivors just like you are empowered to pursue justice in a civil court of law by filing a private lawsuit against the responsible parties.

You can demand accountability and financial compensation from the people who hurt you. New York law allows you to file a private civil lawsuit against both direct perpetrators of abuse - the priest who hurt you - and negligent third-party defendants, including the diocese in which you were abused. Compensation may also be available from deacons and bishops who worked to conceal the abuse from secular authorities and the public.

Why The Civil Justice System Matters With NY Catholic Church Sex Assault Lawsuits

New York's Catholic dioceses have been accused of concealing sexual abuse allegations, defending dangerous sexual predators and silencing victims. The civil justice system offers an avenue of justice for thousands of sexual abuse survivors in New York. The fact of the matter is that most abusive priests will never see justice through the criminal justice system. Many are deceased, while the State's criminal statute of limitations, despite recent improvements, prevents charges from being filed in most historical cases of sexual abuse.

Nor is there much hope that New York's Catholic establishment will ever face charges for its role in empowering sexual abusers throughout the years. For decades, Church leaders in New York have been concealing sexual abuse cases from the proper authorities, silencing victims through backroom settlements and empowering dangerous predators. This is unacceptable behavior, but it rarely rises to criminal conduct. The civil justice system is where these claims of negligence and inaction can be heard, where survivors and their loved ones are able to fight for justice on their own terms and hold the responsible parties accountable.

New York Empowers Survivors With New Statute Of Limitations

Thankfully, New York's legislature is set on making it easier for sexual abuse survivors and their loved ones to file private civil lawsuits for compensation. In a historic decision, New York's State Senate has passed a bill to extend the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse, providing survivors and their families more time to file suit.

Under the Child Victims Act, a new piece of legislation, survivors of child sexual abuse now have until their 55th birthday to file a civil lawsuit against their abuser and other negligent parties. The criminal statute of limitations, which allows survivors to pursue criminal charges against their abuser, has also been extended to a survivor's 55th birthday. In the past, New York residents had only until their 23rd birthday to pursue a sexual abuse lawsuit.

Perhaps even more momentous, however, is the opening of a 1-year "window of justice," allowing sexual abuse survivors who were once barred from filing suit to pursue lawsuits again. Beginning six months after the Child Victims Act's passage, this "window of justice" will empower survivors who were once prevented from pursuing justice due to the old statute of limitations a new opportunity to file a lawsuit against the Church.

New York Diocese Establish Compensation Programs

Meanwhile, New York's Catholic dioceses are working to reconcile themselves to survivors, setting up "independent" compensation programs for survivors victimized by priests over the past decades. At this point, each New York diocese has created an Independent Reconciliation and Compensation program to provide compensation to claimants.

It is crucial to note that, while limited compensation is available through these independent reconciliation programs, survivors who accept compensation from one of the programs forfeit their right to pursue a civil lawsuit in the future. Some critics have suggested that these compensation programs are just another step in the Church's decades-long effort to conceal sexual abuse from the public. In addition, greater amounts of compensation are likely available through the civil court system. We would strongly suggest contacting an attorney.

Over 450 NY Catholic Priests Named As Sex Abusers

Below is a full list of the priests who have been named by New York's Catholic dioceses as accused sexual abusers. These men have been the subject of "credible" sexual abuse allegations at some point in the past. We've organized our list by diocese; to jump straight to your own area, click on one of the links below:

Diocese of Ogdensburg

  1. Fay Ager - removed from ministry
  2. Joseph Conti - deceased
  3. Joseph Degen - deceased
  4. Robert Duford - deceased
  5. John Fallon - deceased
  6. Ronald Farchette - removed from ministry
  7. Bruce Favreau - removed from ministry
  8. Edward Franklin - deceased
  9. Theodore Gillette - deceased
  10. John Hunt - deceased
  11. Edwin Kennedy - deceased
  12. John Kennedy - deceased
  13. Emile Lalonde - deceased
  14. James Larche - removed from ministry
  15. Roger Martin - deceased
  16. Gerald McGrath - deceased
  17. Roland Menard - removed from minsitry
  18. Liam O'Doherty - removed from ministry
  19. Albert Plante - deceased
  20. Gerald Sharland - deceased
  21. Robert Shurtleff - removed from ministry
  22. Thomas Squires - removed from ministry
  23. George Tobin - deceased
  24. Michael Toth - removed from ministry
  25. Clark White - removed from ministry
  26. John Wiley - deceased
  27. David Wisniewski - removed from ministry
  28. Paul Worczak - removed from ministry

Diocese Of Brooklyn

  1. John L. Abrams - deceased
  2. Anthony Acciarito - removed from ministry
  3. Louis Aufiero - deceased
  4. William L. Authenrieth - deceased
  5. John Bals - deceased
  6. Hugo F. Bedoya - removed from ministry
  7. Thomas F. Brady - deceased
  8. Edward Brennan - deceased
  9. Douglas Brown - deceased
  10. Edward Burke - deceased
  11. Josephs P. Byrns - removed from ministry
  12. Brian Callahan - deceased
  13. Francis Capellupo - deceased
  14. Nicholas J. Capua - deceased
  15. Christopher L. Coleman - removed from ministry
  16. James P. Collins - removed from ministry
  17. Eugene A. Connolly - deceased
  18. Michael Conroy - deceased
  19. Harold Cox - deceased
  20. John Cross (Msgr.) - deceased
  21. Lawrence Crowley - deceased
  22. William Cummings - deceased
  23. Joseph P. Denning (Bishop) - deceased
  24. Thomas D. Dougherty (Msgr.) - deceased
  25. John R. Dwyer - removed from ministry
  26. Anthony Failla - deceased
  27. Romano J. Ferraro - removed from ministry
  28. Robert Ferro - deceased
  29. William Finger - removed from ministry
  30. James I. Frost - removed from ministry
  31. Vincent Gallo - removed from ministry
  32. Francis Gillen - deceased
  33. James Gotimer - deceased
  34. James Gowdy - deceased
  35. Robert Guiry - left priesthood in 1991
  36. Thomas Hagerty - deceased
  37. Joseph Hassan - removed from ministry
  38. John Hauser - removed from ministry
  39. William Houston - deceased
  40. Edward J. Huckemeyer (Deacon) - no longer in ministry
  41. George Kayser - deceased
  42. Brian Keller - placed on administrative leave
  43. Thomas Kelly - deceased
  44. Michael King - removed from ministry
  45. Adolph Klein - deceased
  46. Charles Kraus - deceased
  47. James R. Lara - removed from ministry
  48. Joseph Lahey - deceased
  49. John J. Loringhitus - deceased
  50. Andrezj Lukianiuk - removed from ministry
  51. Charles M. Mangini - removed from ministry
  52. Francis Manzo - removed from ministry
  53. Edward L. Maurer - deceased
  54. Henry McCloud - deceased
  55. Robert McConnin - removed from ministry
  56. Webster J. McCue - deceased
  57. William McGlynn - deceased
  58. Herbert McElroy - deceased
  59. John McLoughlin - deceased
  60. Edward McNicholas - deceased
  61. Archur Minichello - removed from ministry
  62. Thomas O. Morrow - removed from ministry
  63. Francis X. Mulhall - deceased
  64. Thomas Nohilly - deceased
  65. James T. O'Brien - removed from ministry
  66. Thomas J. O'Rourke - deceased
  67. Martin Osborne - deceased
  68. Cornelius Otero - deceased
  69. John Padian - deceased
  70. Robert P. Petekiewicz - removed from ministry
  71. Ronald Petroski - deceased
  72. Stephen Placa - removed from ministry
  73. Adam Prochaski - resigned from ministry
  74. Joseph Pugliese - deceased
  75. Arthur D. Purcell - removed from ministry
  76. Ricardo Raveneau - removed from ministry
  77. Francis Reilly - deceased
  78. Robert Rodriguez - deceased
  79. James E. Russo - removed from ministry
  80. Barry J. Ryan - removed from ministry
  81. Michael Salamone - removed from ministry
  82. Joseph Schuck - deceased
  83. Patrick O. Sexton - removed from ministry
  84. Vincent Sforza - deceased
  85. Daniel J. Sheehan - removed from ministry
  86. James Sickler - deceased
  87. Gennaro Simonetti - deceased
  88. James T. Smith - deceased
  89. James P. Smyth - deceased
  90. John Soister - removed from ministry
  91. George J. Stack - removed from ministry
  92. Raymond Stegman - deceased
  93. Frederick Strianese - deceased
  94. John Stonebridge - deceased
  95. James E. Sullivan - deceased
  96. James Tahaney - deceased
  97. John A. Thompson - removed from ministry
  98. Robert A. Titone - deceased
  99. Paul Vazhappily - removed from ministry
  100. Rocco Verrengio - deceased
  101. George Voiland - deceased
  102. Edward Walsh - deceased
  103. Joseph J. Weber - removed from ministry
  104. Kenneth Wicks - deceased
  105. George Wilders - deceased
  106. Francis Wildgruber - deceased
  107. Benjamin Yander - deceased
  108. George F. Zatarga - deceased

Diocese Of Syracuse

  1. Thomas Bayley - deceased
  2. Robert Birchmeyer
  3. Paul Brigandi - deceased
  4. John Broderick
  5. Robert Bogan - deceased
  6. Roger Bowen - deceased
  7. Daniel Casey - deceased
  8. Felix Colosimo - deceased
  9. Donald Crosby - deceased
  10. John Donovan - deceased
  11. Edmund Durr
  12. Charles Eckermann - deceased
  13. Francis Furfaro - deceased
  14. Luke Gallagher - deceased
  15. Bernard Garstka - deceased
  16. Donald Gorman - deceased
  17. Thomas Guyder - deceased
  18. John Harrold
  19. Ferdinand Hattala - deceased
  20. James Hayes
  21. Edgar Holihan - deceased
  22. Edward Humphrey - deceased
  23. Donald Hebert
  24. Leo Heizman - deceased
  25. David Jutton - deceased
  26. Edward Kieley - deceased
  27. Thomas Keating - deceased
  28. Robert Kloster
  29. C. Vincent Lane Jr.
  30. Steven Litz Jr. - deceased
  31. William Lorenz
  32. William Lynch - deceased
  33. Edward Madore
  34. George Mattice Jr.
  35. John McCarthy - deceased
  36. Chester Misercola
  37. William Morris - deceased
  38. John "Jack" Morse - deceased
  39. Thomas Neary Jr.
  40. Robert Ours
  41. Thomas Powell - deceased
  42. Joseph Pace
  43. David Pichette
  44. Albert Proud
  45. Edward George Quaid - deceased
  46. James A. Quinn
  47. James F. Quinn
  48. Francis Sammons - deceased
  49. Walter Sinnott - deceased
  50. H. Charles Sewall
  51. Paul Slavetskas - deceased
  52. Martin Tracy - deceased
  53. David Walker - deceased
  54. John Wagner
  55. Jerome Weber
  56. Thomas Zedar - deceased
  57. John Zeder - deceased

Diocese Of Buffalo

  1. Mark S. Andrzejczuk - deceased
  2. John R. Aurelio - deceased
  3. Benedict P. Barszcz - removed from ministry
  4. James Bartnik - deceased
  5. Donald W. Becker
  6. Ron Becker - deceased
  7. Ted Berg (Msgr.) - deceased
  8. David M. Bialkowski
  9. Robert J. Biesinger - deceased
  10. Deborah Brown - returned to ministry
  11. James Burson - active in ministry
  12. Cornelius J. Carr - deceased
  13. Secondo Casarotto
  14. Charles Cassetta
  15. Gerald Collins
  16. Robert P. Conlin - deceased
  17. Larry Connors - deceased
  18. J. Peter Conroy
  19. Paul R. Coppola - deceased
  20. George Cotter - deceased
  21. James H. Cotter - deceased
  22. Joseph F. Coughlin (Msgr.) - deceased
  23. Thomas Denny
  24. Denman Dewey - deceased
  25. Edmund Dietzel (Msgr.) - deceased
  26. Louis Dolinic - suspended
  27. John Donnelly - deceased
  28. Kevin Downey - removed from ministry
  29. John Doyle - deceased
  30. Donald S. Fafinski - retired
  31. Douglas F. Faraci - retired
  32. John L. Farrand - deceased
  33. Ralph Federico - deceased
  34. Fred G. Fingerle - deceased
  35. John Fox - deceased
  36. Michael R. Freeman - deceased
  37. Joseph P. Friel - deceased
  38. Mark M. Friel
  39. Dennis Fronczak
  40. Raymond Fullam - deceased
  41. Joseph Garin - deceased
  42. Joseph Gatto - administrative leave
  43. Samuel T. Giangreco - administrative leave
  44. James Gould
  45. Gerald Leo Green - deceased
  46. Thomas G. Gresock - retired
  47. Francis Growney (Msgr.) - deceased
  48. Cairnan Haggerty - deceased
  49. John P. Hajduk
  50. Francis Hanna (Msgr.)
  51. Michael J. Harrington - deceased
  52. Brian M. Hatrick - retired
  53. James P. Hayes - deceased
  54. Louis J. Hendricks - deceased
  55. Linus Hennessy - deceased
  56. Roy Herberger - returned to ministry
  57. J. Grant Higgins - deceased
  58. Francis T. Hogan - deceased
  59. Sylvester Holbel (Msgr.) - deceased
  60. Stanley Idziak
  61. Fred D. Ingalls - retired
  62. Pascal D. Ipolito - retired
  63. Florian A. Jasinski - deceased
  64. Gerald C. Jasinski
  65. Richard P. Judd - deceased
  66. Michael P. Juran - administrative leave
  67. James Kasprzyk - deceased
  68. Francis Kealy
  69. Paul Keeling
  70. Timothy J. Kelley
  71. Thomas L. Kemp - retired
  72. Richard J. Keppeler - deceased
  73. Gary L. Ketcham - removed from ministry
  74. Nelson Kimmartin - deceased
  75. Theodore Kocian
  76. Michael Kolodziej - removed from ministry
  77. Linus E. Kopczewski
  78. William Lanphear - deceased
  79. Michael Latrello
  80. Frederick R. Leising - returned to ministry
  81. John D. Lewandowski - deceased
  82. Michael Lewandowski
  83. Bernard M. Mach - deceased
  84. Louis Mako
  85. Thomas R. Marshall
  86. Loville N. Martlock - deceased
  87. Fabian Maryanski
  88. Rene Maynard
  89. Thomas J. McCarthy - retired
  90. Francis McKenna
  91. Ronald Mierzwa - suspended
  92. Michael Miller
  93. Vincent Mooney - deceased
  94. Robert Moss - deceased
  95. Loren Nys - removed from ministry
  96. Richard O'Brien (Msgr.) - deceased
  97. Basil A. Ormsby - deceased
  98. Norbert F. Orsolits - removed from ministry
  99. Daniel Palys - administrative leave
  100. Gabriel Patil - banned from India
  101. Martin L. Pavlock - retired
  102. Joseph H. Penkaul - deceased
  103. David Peter - deceased
  104. Ted Podson - removed from ministry
  105. Michael Raimondo - deceased
  106. James F. Rapp - imprisoned
  107. Joseph Rappl - retired
  108. Dennis Riter - returned to ministry
  109. Roy K. Ronald - deceased
  110. Albert Rung (Msgr.) - deceased; accused of covering up sexual abuse
  111. John M. Ryan - administrative leave
  112. Ronald P. Sajdak - returned to ministry
  113. John J. Sardina - returned to ministry
  114. William Scanlon
  115. Maurice Scheier - deceased
  116. Maurus Schenck - deceased
  117. Joseph E. Shieder - deceased
  118. Joseph A. Schuster - deceased
  119. Gerald P. Sheehan - deceased
  120. Ronald T. Silverio
  121. Howard Slack
  122. Art Smith
  123. Robert J. Smith
  124. Gerard A. Smyczynski - deceased
  125. James Smyka
  126. Clatus E. Snyder
  127. James A. Spielman - retired
  128. Bernard Splawski
  129. Chester S. Stachewicz - deceased
  130. William G. Stanton - deceased
  131. Robert Stolinski - returned to ministry
  132. Harry Richard Strassberger - deceased
  133. Pauline Terese - deceased
  134. Edward Townsend
  135. Samuel Venne
  136. Joseph J. Vogel - deceased
  137. Edward J. Walker - deceased
  138. William G. Ward - deceased
  139. Charles M. Werth
  140. Carlton Westfield
  141. Gervase White - deceased
  142. William F.J. White - deceased
  143. Mark J. Wolski - suspended pending investigation
  144. Robert W. Wood - removed from ministry
  145. Maurice Woulfe (Msgr.) - accused of covering up sexual abuse
  146. Robert Yetter - retired

Diocese Of Rochester

  1. David Bonin - deceased
  2. Thomas Burr - ordered to prayer and penance
  3. Bernard Carges - deceased
  4. Albert Cason - deceased
  5. Paul Cloonan - deceased
  6. Thomas Corbett - ordered to prayer and penance
  7. Eugene Emo - dismissed from the clerical state
  8. Robert Gaudio - removed from ministry
  9. David Gramkee - deceased
  10. Gerard Guli - laicized
  11. Robert Hammond - ordered to prayer and penance
  12. Joseph Larrabee - laicized
  13. William Lum - ordered to prayer and penance
  14. James Mulcahy
  15. Janice Nadeau
  16. Robert O'Neill - deceased
  17. Vincent Panepinto - ordered to prayer and penance
  18. Foster Rogers - laicized
  19. Paul Schnacky - ordered to prayer and penance
  20. Dennis Sewar - dismissed from the clerical state
  21. Dennis Shaw - dismissed from the clerical state
  22. David Simon - ordered to prayer and penance
  23. John Steger - deceased
  24. Conrad Sundholm - deceased
  25. Francis Vogt - deceased
  26. Michael Volino - laicized
  27. Robert Winterkorn - deceased

Diocese Of Rockville Centre (Long Island)

  1. Peter A. Allen - retired
  2. Daniel G. Babis - deceased
  3. James J. Bergin - deceased
  4. Brian J. Brinker - placed on leave and reinstated
  5. Robert L. Brown - deceased
  6. William M. Burke - deceased
  7. John Butler - removed from ministry
  8. Michael A. Carroll - placed on leave and reinstated
  9. Gerard J. Chasse - laicized
  10. Basil P. Congro - placed on administrative leave
  11. Damian Cooper - removed from ministry
  12. Augusto Cortez - arrested and sentenced to probation
  13. Edward R. D'Andrea - removed from ministry
  14. Thomas F. DeVita - removed from ministry
  15. Angelo J. Ditta - removed from ministry
  16. Peter L. Duvelsdorf - deceased
  17. Romano J. Ferraro - sentenced to life in prison
  18. Matthew Fitzgerald - removed from ministry
  19. Michael R. Hands - imprisoned
  20. Kenneth C. Hasselbach - removed from ministry
  21. Robert D. Huneke - deceased
  22. William R. Logan - suspended and reinstated
  23. Finian (Robert) Magee - deceased
  24. John F. Mahoney - deceased
  25. Matthew Maiello - imprisoned
  26. Gabriel Massaro - removed from ministry
  27. Joseph C. McComiskey - retired
  28. Thomas R. McConaghy - removed from ministry
  29. John J. McGeever - deceased
  30. Brian A. McKeon - deceased
  31. George J. Michell - retired
  32. Andrew L. Millar - imprisoned and laicized
  33. James C. Miller - placed on leave
  34. Salvatore J. Miralglia - placed on leave
  35. John D. Mott - deceased
  36. Joseph T. Mundy - left priesthood
  37. Howard Murphy - unknown
  38. Kenneth T. Nee - deceased
  39. Louis I. Newman - retired
  40. Frank J. Parisi - retired
  41. Alan J. Placa - resigned
  42. Charles A. "Bud" Ribaudo - deceased
  43. Brendan P. Riordan - active in ministry
  44. Robert J. Saccacio - removed from ministry
  45. Richard Schaefer - unknown
  46. Alfred M. Soave - deceased
  47. Raymond V. Stegmann - deceased
  48. Gerald Twomey - placed on leave and arrested
  49. Nicholas Unterstein - laicized
  50. Eugene C. Vollmer - deceased
  51. Gregory Yacyshyn - active in ministry

Diocese Of Albany

  1. Anthony Adams - deceased
  2. David Bentley - removed from ministry
  3. John Bertolucci - deceased
  4. Anthony Boucher - deceased
  5. Liam Casey - removed from ministry
  6. John Connolly - removed from ministry
  7. Michael Cronin - resigned
  8. Almerico Dicerbo - deceased
  9. Joseph DiMaggio - deceased
  10. Raymond Either - removed from ministry
  11. Ferdinand Ermlich - deceased
  12. John Fitzpatrick - removed from ministry
  13. Angel Garcia - removed from ministry
  14. Thomas George - deceased
  15. Edward Gilmour - deceased
  16. Anthony Gulley - deceased
  17. Laidslaus Guzielek - deceased
  18. Mark Haight - removed
  19. Richard Jones - resigned
  20. James Kelly - removed
  21. Joseph Keyrouze - deceased
  22. John Klebauskas - deceased
  23. Peter Kranch - deceased
  24. Edward Leroux - deceased
  25. Joseph Mancuso - removed from ministry
  26. Frances Melfe - resigned
  27. Gary Mercure - removed from ministry and incarcerated
  28. James McDevitt - removed from ministry
  29. James McDermott - resigned
  30. Sean McMahon - deceased
  31. James McNerney - removed from ministry
  32. Michael Miller - removed from ministry
  33. Jeremiah Nunan - removed from ministry
  34. John O'Connor - deceased
  35. John Phillips - deceased
  36. Edward Pratt - removed from ministry
  37. Robert Purcell - deceased
  38. Samuel Rodino - removed from ministry
  39. Joseph Romano - removed from ministry
  40. James Rosch - removed from ministry
  41. Robert Shinos - deceased
  42. William Slavin - deceased
  43. Donald Starks - deceased
  44. Mansfield Starks - deceased
  45. Carl Stone - deceased
  46. Michael Taylor - removed from ministry
  47. Dozia Wilson - removed from ministry
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The content on this specific page is approved content by The Abuse Guardians. The Abuse Guardian website portrays an alliance of attorneys across the United States who dedicate their professional careers to representing survivors of sexual abuse and helping them get justice. This website is to be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. Abuse Guardian is not a law firm. Abuse Guardian has a team of survivor advocates who can help connect sexual abuse survivors to members of the Abuse Guardian alliance for free legal consultations. By submitting a form on this page your information will be sent to The Abuse Guardians and his staff for evaluation. By submitting a form, you give permission for The Abuse Guardians and his law firm to communicate with you regarding your submission. Your information is strictly confidential and will not be sold to third parties. See our Terms of service for more information.

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