
Doctor Sex Abuse Lawyer Florida: Can You Sue For Sexual Abuse By Doctors? What Happens After Sexual Assault or Misconduct By A Medical Professional?

michael haggard and jen lipinksi

Meet Mike Haggard and Jen Lipinski, Our Florida Abuse Guardians

Mike Haggard is the managing partner of The Haggard Law Firm, and he leads a dedicated team of sexual abuse attorneys handling cases from his Miami, Florida office.
Jen Lipinski is the managing partner of Lipinski Law and she leads an all female team of attorneys and support staff that represent survivors of sexual assault in Florida from her West Palm Beach office.
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Speak With A Doctor Sexual Abuse Lawyer In A Free Consultation

Doctor sexual abuse is a grave violation of medical ethics, and it can leave its victims traumatized for life. In Florida, survivors of sexual abuse have the legal right to seek justice through civil lawsuits against their perpetrators. As such, it is essential for these individuals to receive the assistance of experienced and reputable lawyers who specialize in this field.

Survivors of doctor sexual abuse may suffer from severe physical injuries, emotional distress, and psychological trauma. Furthermore, they may face long-term consequences that could impact their relationships, careers, and overall quality of life. Therefore, finding an experienced lawyer who understands the nuances of these cases can be crucial to obtaining justice and compensation for the harm suffered by the survivor.

In the following sections, we will outline some key considerations when seeking out a sexual abuse lawyer in Florida to help with survivors of abuse from medical professionals, health care providers, and others in a position of trust. Our attorneys will discuss some relevant legal concepts that may apply to your sexual assault and abuse case.

"Victims of sexual assault deserve a personal injury lawyer who cares about them"
- Michael Haggard

Meet Our Experienced Florida Abuse Attorneys

Mike Haggard, Esq.
The Haggard Law Firm
330 Alhambra Cir,
Coral Gables, FL 33134
QP2Q+MC Coral Gables, Florida

Jen Lipinski, Esq.
Lipinksi Law
601 Heritage Dr Ste 210,
Jupiter, FL 33458
VVQV+QP Jupiter, Florida

How To Report Sexual Sexual Abuse By Doctors in Florida?

Reporting doctor sexual abuse is crucial for protecting oneself and others in the community. Victims of doctor sexual abuse in Florida can turn to a sexual abuse law firm to learn how to report the crime and pursue legal options.

Victims of doctor sexual abuse should report the crime as soon as possible by contacting the Florida Department of Health's Medical Quality Assurance Division or filing a complaint with the state's medical board. They may also file a police report, seek medical attention, and consult with a Florida personal injury attorney who specializes in cases involving doctor sexual abuse.

When reporting doctor sexual abuse, it is important to gather any evidence that may be available, such as witness statements, medical records, or photographs. Survivors should also keep track of any expenses related to their injuries, such as medical bills or lost wages.

A knowledgeable attorney can guide survivors through this process and help them navigate the complex legal system while advocating for their rights and interests. By taking action against abusive doctors, survivors can not only seek justice for themselves but also prevent future harm to others in their community.

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Ongoing Doctor Abuse Cases in Florida - Sexual Abuse Claims Filed

Numerous ongoing legal cases in the state of Florida involve allegations of sexual misconduct by medical professionals towards their patients.

One such case involves Dr. David Simon, a Tampa-based physician who was arrested in 2013 for allegedly torturing patients by use of handcuffs, whips, and other torture devices.

Another case involves Dr. Ricardo Cruciani, a former neurologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center who is accused of sexually assaulting multiple female patients under the guise of medical treatment.

These ongoing doctor abuse cases in Florida highlight the need for victims to seek legal assistance from experienced doctor sex abuse lawyers who can help them pursue justice and compensation for their injuries.

These sexual abuse lawyers have a deep understanding of the laws surrounding sexual abuse by doctors and can provide compassionate guidance to survivors throughout the legal process.

Victims should not hesitate to speak out against their abusers and seek the help they need to hold these medical professionals accountable for their actions.

Who Is Liable For Doctor Sexual Abuse in Florida?

Determining liability for instances of medical professional misconduct in Florida is a complex legal matter that requires careful consideration of various factors. One significant factor is the employment status of the physician involved in the sexual abuse case. If the doctor was working as an independent contractor, then they may be held personally liable for their actions.

However, if the doctor was employed by a hospital or other healthcare facility, then there may be additional parties who could also be held accountable.

In cases of sexual abuse by a doctor, healthcare facilities and employers may also face liability for their employees' actions under certain circumstances. For example, if it can be shown that the employer knew or should have known about the abusive behavior but failed to take adequate measures to prevent it from happening again in the future, they could potentially be found liable for any resulting harm caused to patients.

In such situations, seeking counsel from an experienced doctor sex abuse lawyer in Florida would be crucial for victims seeking justice and compensation.

What Is The Psychological Impact Of Sexual Assault By A Medical Professional?

The experience of sexual abuse or assault by a medical professional can have significant and long-lasting psychological effects on the victim of sexual assault. The violation of trust, coupled with the physical and emotional trauma endured during the assault, may lead to a range of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal ideation.

Survivors may also face difficulties in forming trusting relationships with medical professionals in the future. It is crucial for survivors to seek support from trained professionals such as therapists or counselors who specialize in trauma recovery.

Additionally, survivors may want to consider taking legal action against their abuser by consulting with a doctor sexual abuse lawyer in Florida. Pursuing a civil lawsuit not only allows many victims to hold their abuser accountable but also can provide financial compensation for related economic and noneconomic losses incurred due to the assault.

What Are Signs of Sexual Abuse By A Doctor in Florida?

Identifying the signs of sexual assault by a medical professional can be challenging, but survivors may exhibit physical and emotional symptoms. Physical signs may include unexplained bruises or injuries in areas that were examined or touched during a medical appointment.

Sexual abuse survivors may also experience emotional symptoms such as anxiety or panic attacks, avoidance of medical appointments, or sudden changes in behavior. These symptoms can manifest immediately after the assault or take weeks, months, or even years to surface.

It is important for survivors to seek support from trained professionals and consider contacting a doctor sex abuse lawyer in Florida if they suspect they have experienced any form of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or inappropriate sexual contact of any kind. A lawyer can help them understand their legal options and guide them through the process of seeking justice and compensation for their damages in a free consultation.

It is crucial for sexually abused victims to remember that they are not alone and that there are resources available to help them cope with the aftermath of this traumatic experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have to file a doctor sexual abuse lawsuit in Florida?

In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a doctor sexual abuse lawsuit is four years from the date of discovery or when the victim turned 18. However, there may be exceptions to this time limit based on certain circumstances.

Can I remain anonymous if I file a doctor sexual abuse lawsuit in Florida?

Florida law allows survivors of doctor sexual abuse to file lawsuits anonymously, using pseudonyms in court documents. However, this anonymity may be challenged by the defendant, and the court will evaluate whether it is necessary for the protection of the survivor's privacy.

What kind of compensation can I receive for doctor sexual abuse in Florida?

Victims of doctor sexual abuse in Florida may be able to receive compensation for related medical expenses, therapy, lost wages, physical pain and suffering, emotional distress, psychological trauma, and more. The exact amount of compensation will depend on the individual circumstances of each case.

How can I cope with the emotional trauma of doctor sexual abuse in Florida?

Coping with emotional trauma caused when a doctor assaults their patients can include seeking assistance from a trained professional such as a therapist, reporting the crime to authorities and medical licensing boards, and filing a civil lawsuit for compensation with the help of a lawyer.

What should I do if I suspect that a doctor has sexually assaulted me in Florida?

If you suspect that a doctor has sexually assaulted you in Florida, it is important to seek medical attention and report the crime to the police. You may also want to consult with a sexual abuse attorney about your legal options.

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Sexual Abuse By A Medical Professional - File A Lawsuit Today

In conclusion, doctor sexual abuse is a form of medical malpractice that violates the law and the physician's code of ethics. Survivors of doctor sexual abuse in Florida have legal options available to them, including filing a lawsuit against the responsible parties. It is crucial for survivors to seek legal assistance from an experienced and reputable doctor sex abuse lawyer who can help them navigate through the legal process.

Reporting doctor sexual abuse in Florida is essential to hold perpetrators accountable and protect future victims from harm. The ongoing cases of doctor sexual abuse in Florida highlight the urgency of addressing this issue and implementing measures to prevent it from happening again.

The psychological impact of sexual assault by a medical professional can be devastating, further emphasizing the need for justice for survivors.

Overall, seeking legal assistance and reporting doctor sexual abuse are critical steps towards achieving justice for survivors and preventing such abuses from occurring in the future. It is vital that survivors know their rights and receive support throughout this challenging journey towards recovery and healing. Victims of sexual abuse are advised to come forward and speak with our compassionate team of lawyers today. We are by your side every step of the way.

More Resources For Florida Survivors of Doctor Sexual Abuse

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The content on this specific page is approved content by Michael Haggard, Esq. and Jen Lipinski, Esq.. The Abuse Guardian website portrays an alliance of attorneys across the United States who dedicate their professional careers to representing survivors of sexual abuse and helping them get justice. This website is to be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Past settlement and verdict values are no guarantee of similar future outcomes. Abuse Guardian is not a law firm. Abuse Guardian has a team of survivor advocates who can help connect sexual abuse survivors to members of the Abuse Guardian alliance for free legal consultations. By submitting a form on this page your information will be sent to Michael Haggard, Esq. and Jen Lipinski, Esq. and his staff for evaluation. By submitting a form, you give permission for Michael Haggard, Esq. and Jen Lipinski, Esq. and his law firm to communicate with you regarding your submission. Your information is strictly confidential and will not be sold to third parties. See our Terms of service for more information.

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